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Do you know the Lymox® family?
The premium tungsten electrodes from Litty

Lymox® & LymoxLux®

The welding sensation

Every welding electrode from the Lymox® family is convincing as a standard electrode and has been the epitome of performance, durability and environmental friendliness for many years. Whether Lymox®, LymoxLux®, LymoxDUO® or LymoxLuxDUO®: a single welding electrode replaces an entire range of conventional welding needles – radiation-free, of course. Our electrodes have a prefabricated bevel at a 28° angle “made in Germany” and are characterised by numerous advantages: from their ignition properties to their universal use.

Lymox® or LymoxLux®?
The differences

LymoxLux® is the further development of the popular Lymox® welding electrode.  Thanks to its 4% oxide content, LymoxLux® has even better welding properties in terms of ignitability and service life than the Lymox® electrode.

Special feature of Lymox®

  • 98 percent tungsten, ~ 2% oxide content

Special features of Lymox Lux®

  • 96 percent tungsten, ~ 4% oxide content
  • Even better welding properties in terms of ignitability and service life

Lymox® or LymoxLux®?
The similarities

All electrodes in the Lymox® family have excellent welding properties and a unique composition. They have been developed by Litty.

  • A fine bevel in a longitudinal direction, “made in Germany”
  • Standard 28° single-edge diamond cut
  • The new Lymox® DUO variants have a double-sided bevel
  • Free of radioactive thorium
  • Efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to the WT20 red electrode
  • Universally applicable

The new addition to the Lymox® family is called DUO 

A product that convinces two times over

Lymox® and LymoxLux® are now also available as a DUO: with standard 28° double-sided diamond cut in a longitudinal direction. As the DUO welding electrodes are sharpened on both sides, handling is improved. If one side is unusable, the second side of the DUO can be used immediately, which saves time during welding.


Why do you only need this one welding electrode?

Our tungsten electrodes from the Lymox® family combine all the advantages of conventional welding electrodes in one product. Depending on the electrode, the oxide content is between two percent (Lymox®) and four percent (LymoxLux®). TIG electrodes from Litty thus surpass the ignition properties, service life and durability of conventional tungsten electrodes many times over.

Welding electrodes
Be won over by Litty
Dagmar Mück
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